Over the last few years, we’ve seen nail trends get more and more outrageous. We’ve seen long, clear nails with rhinestone studs, glittery nails, colored pencil nails, corkscrew nails, blinking eye nails, dead bug nails…and the list goes on.
Admittedly, not every nail style is for everyone, but if you love a good manicure, you can’t go wrong with one that matches your clothing.
And with athleisure wear being such a popular trend, you’ll get a lot of mileage from nails matching leggings.
But no matter what type of clothing is in your wardrobe, here are some tips on how to match your nails to your leggings.
Nails Matching Leggings Tips
Clothing with Prints: If your clothing features a specific print, you can paint your nails with that same fun print.
Matching Colors: You can paint your nails using the color of the items you are wearing. This works best if you pick up on accessories rather than the main items you are wearing.
For instance, if you are wearing a black dress with red shoes and a purse, paint your nails to highlight the colors in the accessories while letting the dress shine.
Keep it Simple: Let’s face it. No matter how much of a fashionista you may be, many of us just don’t have time for a new manicure every day.
If you want a nail shade that will match most of your outfits, go for one in a neutral color like a nude or pale pink.
Go for Contrasts: Contrasting colors will also work well. For instance, if you’re wearing yellow, purple will be the perfect complement.
If you’re wearing blue, orange nails will really pop. Refer to colors on the opposite ends of the color wheel to come up with what will contrast best.
FIERCEPULSE Leggings Matching Nails
If you are a leggings girl who happens to love manicures, you are probably drawn to the leggings matching nails look. FIERCEPULSE leggings are the perfect way to capitalize on this trend.
FIERCEPULSE makes leggings with fun themes that are easy to incorporate in the other items you wear, your accessories, and even your makeup looks. Here are some nails matching legging ideas you can create.
We Love Our Customers
Before we start, let’s take a look at a picture one customer sent us. We love how her glitter nails pick up the glittery tones in our Speck of Gold Leggings.
Evil Eye Nails and Leggings

The Evil Eye is a superstitious curse originating in Ancient Rome and Greece. It is simply a glare that one person gives another while that person is not looking and it is meant to bring bad luck. Today, many wear items with the evil eye to protect them and keep evil at bay.
This matching nail and leggings look is the perfect way to keep luck on your side...and look terrific while you’re at it.
Tie-Dye Nails and Leggings
There is no doubt that tie-dye is back and bigger than ever. This retro look has been revived in festival fashions and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. The print is featured on dresses, tops, accessories, leggings and even nails.
Wear your tie-dye leggings with matching nails for a modern look that is sure to be a conversation starter.
Heart Leggings and Nails
Hearts are always fun and stylish. FIERCEPULSE’s heart leggings are cute, sexy and perfect for showing off your curves.
A matching manicure will be just the thing for Valentine’s Day or any other day of the year.
Marbleized Nails and Leggings
Marble is a chic look in home design that has carried over into the world of fashion. Today you can see it on everything from dresses to shirts to jackets to leggings. It’s even a popular manicure look.
Marble can be featured in any number of ways including colorful configurations, but we just love the black and white combination. The white really pops on the darker background making it a great look for nails and leggings alike.
Confetti Nails and Leggings
Confetti has a festive look that works well for several occasions. It is ideal for New Years, birthdays, or just celebrating life in general.
When it comes to nails, a confetti look isn’t difficult to achieve. If you have nail polish with larger glitter flakes, layer it over a solid coat to produce the desired appearance. Combine it with your favorite pair of matching leggings and you are ready to party.
Nails matching leggings is stepping up to be the latest trend. FIERCEPULSE leggings fun collections will help you get inspired to create the look you’re after. What combinations will you be creating?