What’s the Right Choice for Me: High Waist or Mid Waist Leggings?

What’s the Right Choice for Me: High Waist or Mid Waist Leggings?

FIERCEPULSE Floral Collection - Perfect for Spring Workouts Reading What’s the Right Choice for Me: High Waist or Mid Waist Leggings? 5 minutes Next Six Easter Leggings for a Fun Holiday Dress Up

When it comes to pants fashions, waistlines have gone up and down.

In the early 2000’s, it was all about sexy low rise. Now that we are approaching 2020, high-rise fashions from the 90’s are coming back bringing a sense of elegance and sophistication.

When it comes to leggings, the difference between high rise and low rise is more than just a fashion statement. Because you move around a lot when wearing leggings, it can also come into play in determining comfort.

FIERCEPULSE makes midrise workout leggings as well as high waisted leggings for women. Here are some guidelines for finding which is best for you when shopping on our site.



If you look on the FIERCEPULSE site, you will notice that all of our yoga pants are high rise whereas our workout leggings are midrise.

You could say that yoga pants were responsible for the start of the high waisted gym leggings movement. Those who practiced yoga liked the high waist style because it kept the leggings in place during vigorous movement.

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Today, many women are embracing high waisted legging looks in all aspects of athleisure wear and fashion. You can even wear high waisted leggings for every day.

Now let’s take a pair of FIERCEPULSE leggings that are made in both high waist and mid-waist styles. Our Blue Eye Yoga Leggings are a perfect example.

Putting both side by side, you will see that they each have the same great design and the same basic fit throughout the leg.

The main difference is that the yoga leggings have an extra piece of material at the top sewn into the design. This is great for keeping them in place.

The yoga pants also have concealed inner pockets which is great for stashing necessities.


Now that you know the difference between mid waisted workout leggings and high waisted workout leggings, here are some factors that will help you decide which is right for you.



Many people say they prefer high waisted leggings because they stay in place during exercise.

The high waist keeps the pants from falling down and twisting against your body eliminating the need for you constantly having to tug at them when you are trying to do a workout.

However, the high waist can also feel restrictive. Most leggings are made of a stretchy material that hugs the body. While this fabric will move with you, it can also stretch against the stomach to cause discomfort.

The comfort level may vary according to the type and brand of leggings you are wearing as well as what feels good on your body. However, the fit is something that must be considered in choosing the best option.



The look of the leggings also comes into play.

A high waisted pair of leggings will be slimming around the hip and stomach area. The material holds you in to provide a thinner appearance.

High waisted leggings are also elongating which can take the pounds off fuller figures while adding length to petite gals.

But, if you have a great stomach and a fully developed six pack, you may not be able to resist showing it off. If you are proud of your abs, midrise leggings could be your best option.



You may also decide that you want a combination of both high waist and mid waist leggings in your wardrobe. This is a great idea as different leggings may work better with certain looks and activities.

Here is a list of which leggings you should wear for which type of workout and activities.

Strength Training: Strength training may not be as vigorous as some other types of exercises, but if you are lifting, the last thing you want to worry about is your pants falling down.

That could lead to a dangerous situation. High waisted is the best choice on this one.

Pilates: Pilates takes a lot of stretching and slow movements. Because the movements are slower, pants will not be as likely to fall down.

It’s also important to be unrestricted when doing Pilates. Therefore, low rise would be the best option here.

Running: If there’s one activity that is sure to get those pants falling, it’s running. And nothing is more annoying than having to keep tugging your pants up when you’re running.

With that in mind, high waisted leggings will be a good choice for this activity.

Cycling: When you’re cycling, you’re sitting down so you don’t have to worry about pants falling down. What’s more, you need to bend at the waist, so you don’t want to be restricted in that area.

It is for these reasons that low waisted workout leggings are a good cycling option.

High waisted gym leggings and mid rise workout leggings are both great styles. The one you choose will depend on comfort, fashion and the types of activities you do most often. Which one do you feel is right for you?  

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